Current and Past Clients:

Casa Sesimbra LogoCasa Sesimbra: apartments and rooms in small village in Portugal. We handle the backend via stripe and channel management. Custom accounting setup in google sheets

Vienna LogoApartments in Vienna: Backend for credit card payment and channel management

NYC logoApartments in NYC: Backend for credit card payment and channel management (

Lisbon Apartment Apartments in Lisbon: Agent account for 80+ apartments and custom work to integrate search into website. (wayback machine)

Hotel Kokomo LogoHotel Kokomo: Small Caribbean Hotel with 7 rooms. Channel Management with and affiliates.

Vienna Apartment LogoVienna Apartments: Agent account with channel management and inquiry module for 100+ apartments.(

Rio Apartment LogoApartments in Rio de Janeiro: Agent account with channel management and inquiry module for 100+ apartments.(

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